Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Fraud of the Fed

Lets say Bob has been granted the power to legally create money out of thin air.

Bob loans this money at interest to Bill.

Bill spends money like there is no tomorrow on anything his heart desire's.

Bob and Bill have an agreement that makes it appear that Allen is responsible for paying Bob the interest and principle on the borrowed money.

Allen is dupped into believing he is responsible for the repayment of this debt and is diligent to pay this money out of his hard earned wages.

Bob is the Federal Reserve System and is a private bank owned by very powerful private individuals.

Bill is Congress who is fully aware of this fraud.

Allen is the American People who need to be made aware of this fraud.

I want to call America's attention to the Federal Reserve System/Corporation.

In 2005 Aaron Russo made a documentary exposing the fraud being perpetrated on the American people since 1913.

I highly recommend that everyone take a couple of hours to watch Aaron's "America: From Freedom to Fascism" and help make all of their friends and family aware of this fraud, by simple directing them to watch the documentary you highly recommend.

If you know any people who work for the IRS, recommend they watch Aaron's documentary.

If you know anyone who works for the local, state or Federal Governments, please recommend they watch Aarons documentary as well.

The spread of this information around the country is imperative for this countries survival and for the rest of the world, who's monetary systems are controlled by the same group of powerful private individuals.

We the people have control of who gets elected into Congress. Congress has the power to shut down the Federal Reserve System and end this horrific fraud.

If you are hesitant to go forth and watch Aaron's documentary, take a moment and ponder how much power you would have by creating and controlling the money for an entire country.

The same individuals who control the Fed are also the same people who own the petroleum cartel, the media cartel, the pharmaceutical cartel, the agricultural cartel and the military/industrial complex in this country.

It's no wonder the direction we are headed is towards mass corporatism to the demise of the American People.

This is the fraud of both the Federal Reserve System, who control Congress, who control the Federal Government to the benefit of the Fed and it's cronies.

Please take the time to watch "America: From Freedom To Fascism" today and I hope you share the same opinion I do, as to the urgency of getting the word out about this incredible fraud and extortion of America's wealth.

Thank you kindly and God Bless you and your loved one's.

Papa Ed

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