Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hangin in Portland.. Oregon

This is the first blog that I've written. I'm planning to update this everyday.. or as much as my Sprint Internet connection allows. Traveling/hauling freight around the country puts you in remote area's without any wireless broadband internet... I had another wonderful drive in along the Columbia River Gorge yesterday.. that is my favorite drive.. you go from Pampas.. grass lands of Idaho, across the Blue Mountains of Oregon which is a Pine and Fir forest.. down to Pendleton which is rolling grass lands.. to the gorge which starts off with red cliffs and grass and turns slowly into wooded rain forest as you near Portland.. one memorable drive entering the gorge west bound in the early morning with blue skies and sunshine at my back.. as I was rounding a cliffed corner in The Dalles.. a rainbow appeared from behind the cliff.. it extended from the green foliage to my left.. down to the middle of the Columbia.. it was breath taking.. right now I'm sitting at a TA truck stop on I-84 exit 17.. I'm supposed to be doing my late 2007 tax's.. I'll get to them in a minute.. I'm waiting for a new load assignment... I'll be back later to update.. when my tax's are finished.

Well I'm back, still waiting for a load assignment.. its 6:45pm PST.. I got my tax stuff done and listened to 9/11 Chronicles at
This speaks of the errosion of our civil liberties as we the United States of America becomes increasingly a police state... I've got a list of Google video's that I wished every person living in America .. and the world for that matter would watch. My favorite this month is: You Won't See This in the News - Part 1 of 5 which is on my shared page